Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working


At Holland House school our aim is to motivate children to become the very best citizens and have an impact on the world today. We want our children to be inspired by history and those who have had a significant impact on the world we live in today.  We encourage our children to think and act like young historians, to help them understand the important role they have in our future world. 


We enthuse our children’s curiosity to know more about the past and to understand the process of change. We stimulate the children’s interests and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past and those who live today, both in the United Kingdom and the wider world. We want the children to have an awareness of the past; how it is different from the present and begin to develop an understanding of chronology through gaining knowledge about when events took place. Our aim is to develop our children as chronological thinkers, structuring historical narratives and making sense of them and evaluating their significance. Our goal is for our children to have the ability to think critically and communicate their ideas confidently.


Our knowledge rich curriculum is progressive, ensuring the children’s learning builds on from their previous knowledge and takes in to account the learning they have undertaken in previous topics and year groups. We adapt our curriculum to incorporate the events of the day, ensuring the content is relevant and significant to our children. We plan and implement a cycle of lessons, carefully planning for progression, depth of knowledge and a clear desired outcome. We learn through a range of sources including artefacts, videos, role play, people and books. Our children ask questions about historical events or people and think about how we know about events from beyond living memory. Teaching is engaging and interactive allowing opportunities for the children to reflect, discuss and ask questions about events in history with their peers. Subject rich vocabulary is built up overtime allowing children to embed and communicate effectively. Each topic is started with a ‘WOW’ event, allowing the children to have an experience of the events we are learning about. At the end of the topics, a show case allows us to share our learning with the school and wider community. Extra-curricular trips or events are planned to develop our children’s cultural capital.

Children at Holland House infant school will achieve National Curriculum expectations at the end of Key Stage One. Whole school progression maps of skills and knowledge are used to plan for depth and breadth. Assessment statements are clearly stated on medium term plans for teachers to ensure appropriate content is taught. Each topic sets clear objectives and outcomes for pupils in terms of knowledge and skill acquisition. Impact is measured through key questioning throughout the lesson, knowledge check points and skill progression. We want to ensure history is loved by teachers and pupils across the school; therefore, encouraging them to want to continue building on this wealth of historical knowledge and understanding, now and in the future.

Click below for our Progression of Knowledge

Click below for our Progression of Skills and Vocabulary