Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) 
and Local Offer


At Holland House we are ambitious for our children with SEND.

At Holland House our SEND offer ensures inclusivity for all of our children. As a school we understand the needs of our children, what their barriers to learning are and work in co-production to remove those barriers. We do this through an ambitious, adapted curriculum that ensures equity. SEND children are fully exposed to whole school experience and given the same opportunities as all. As a school we have a highly effective SENDCo that identifies the need across the school and has used SEND professionals to train staff in the school to become champions of these areas. We currently have Champions for Autism, OT, SALT and SEMH. The SENDCo has carried out effective CPD for staff ensuring staff understand the children in their class.


The children at Holland House have respect for each other and understand that not all children learn the same and some children need extra support. We educate our children to ensure that they are inclusive and understand that we are all different but all have the right to learn. We develop a SEND community that brings together parents for support and guidance.


Please read our SEND Information Report and Policy below


Our school SENDCo is Mrs Wootton. She works closely with the SEN Support assistant, Mrs Shaw. Mrs Wootton can be contacted on:

0121 464 3654 or enquiry@hollandh.bham.sch.uk


Useful Documents - Please follow the links to our policies page.

Article 23 (children with a disability)
A child with a disability has the right to live
a full and decent life with dignity and, as far
as possible, independence and to play an
active part in the community. Governments
must do all they can to support disabled
children and their families.