Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working

Reception - Seahorses and Turtles

Seahorses and Turtles

We have two large stimulating and vibrant classrooms with professionally and extensively trained and experienced Early Years staff. Each class has one class teacher and a full time teaching assistant who are passionate about ensuring all of the children achieve their full potential in all the areas of learning. We will continue to follow the Development Matters statements where children will be working at their appropriate age band according to their individual needs. We will be helping the children to develop their personal, social, and emotional skills as well as laying the foundation subjects in the specific areas of learning like literacy, mathematics, technology, science, history, geography, PE, art and DT. Children will continue to have opportunities to learn in a playful environment as well as working in small groups with adults in the classroom. Children have opportunities to work both indoors and in our exciting and stimulating outdoor environment which reflects the learning taking place within the classrooms. We will be focusing on developing the whole child in all that we do. Please visit our subject pages and curriculum pages for find out more about what pupils learn in Reception.

Click on the image above for our Reception Curriculum Booklet, sharing information about what children learn during their time in our school Reception.