Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working

Year 1 - Puffins and Penguins


About Year 1

In year 1 we have vibrant classrooms filled with the wonderful work that children have produced. The staff in Year 1 are passionate about providing high quality learning that is tailored to the individual needs of the children. By implementing the ‘Learnasaurs’ in our classrooms we ensure positive learning behaviour's and help the children to understand how they can develop both academically and emotionally.


Reading in Year 1

We promote a love of reading in Year 1 and the children have many opportunities to visit our fabulous library or select a book to read from the book corner.

Phonics is an important element of teaching children how to read in Year 1. This is delivered through Read Write Inc which is designed to create fluent readers and enthusiastic writers. In addition to this we also run daily Guided Reading sessions and all children read in a small group with an adult in school at least 3 times a week to develop their comprehension, fluency and inference skills.


Pupils in Year 1 will undertake the phonics screening check in June, designed to provide information on how your child is progressing with their Phonics skills and to ensure that support is implemented if required. This will be undertaken in a 1:1 and relaxed environment and yourself or your child should not feel any anxiety about this.  You can find out more at http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-owl/expert-help/the-year-1-phonics-screening-check Alternatively, any of the staff in Year 1 will be happy to answer your questions.



Every Friday, Year 1 children are given their weekly spellings, phonic work linked to their current learning and optional maths work. Children are encouraged to practice their spellings and be ready for their test on the following Wednesday.


Children will change their leveled home reader and library book every week. Parents are encouraged to read with their child at least three times a week, recording in their child’s reading diary each time.


We also send out weekly discussion topics linked to our learning in class. They are optional but are useful to both supporting your child's understanding and providing a starting point to encourage your child to discuss what they have been learning in school.


We also use Bug Club and Spelling Bug to allow the children to access a full range of stage appropriate texts at home. The children have their own personalised logins for this and their access is monitored by teachers on an ongoing basis.

Click on the image above for our Year 1 Curriculum Booklet, sharing information about what children learn during their time in our school Year 1.