Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working

Physical Education

‘Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.’

Nelson Mandela, 2000.

At Holland House we take the power of sport, physical education and physical activity very seriously, and see it as a critical point in ensuring our children are physically and mentally healthy in order to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible members of the community. We believe that, when experienced in a safe and supportive environment, Physical Education (P.E) has the potential to have a huge impact on a pupil’s physical and emotional wellbeing and development. Our school aim is that every child will benefit from our school PE provision, in order to become physically competent and confident, both physically and mentally, through the planned, progressive curriculum and extra-curricular programme’s that we offer. Research has consistently proven the role that both high quality Physical Education and a healthy, active lifestyle can play in the promotion of positive wellbeing, as well as the development of the ‘whole child’. Our curricular and extra-curricular activities offered in school, promote and support this concept throughout the year. We expect the values developed through PE and sport to transfer into other areas of our children’s lives, from attitudes, to academic, to behaviour. Our Holland House school rules and values of perseverance, independence, honesty, respect, self-belief, teamwork and the continuous celebration each other’s successes and achievements, fully supports this vision. We aim for these, along with all our values, to be demonstrated in all aspects of school life and beyond.

At Holland House, our PE curriculum involves mastering fundamental basic movement skills, developing balance, agility and coordination and the ability to apply these in a range of physical activities and then later into specific sports. We can refer to these as the ABC’s of PE i.e.; agility, balance and coordination. Sport England and Sport Wales highlight that ‘…children will try any sports or physical activity at this age, so it is our job to harness this. Fire them up and inspire them to be physical for life…’ We aim to do just this, developing our pupils ‘Physical Literacy’ so that by the time they leave Year Two they have the confidence and the competence to apply their huge range of knowledge, sportsmanship and skills into sports and games in Key Stage Two (KS2) and beyond.


Physical Skills + confidence + motivation + lots of opportunities = Physical Literacy’.


We aim to give children the opportunity to explore a range of sports, to enable them to find the physical activity they love, and to therefore influence them to be physically active throughout their lives.  At our school, we are passionate about giving children a range of sporting opportunities, so they can make an informed choice and find their own passion for sport. We are regularly involved in local competitions and endeavour to take advantage of opportunities for children to compete with age appropriate activities such as; ‘multi skills, gymnastics, athletics and football’ both at school to school (inter- competition) level and within school (intra- competition).

At Holland House, competitive sport is viewed as an integral part of our PE vision. It is our aim to ensure that each child at our school is provided with an opportunity to compete at an inter or intra competition before they leave Key Stage One (KS1), in order for them to experience a teambuilding, competitive environment. Our children are taught to understand that winning is important, but also that the enjoyment of competitive sport and knowing that they have tried hard, is equally as valuable. As a school, we value the wider benefits that sport can teach our children. The values of passion, teamwork, determination, honesty, respect and self-belief, cannot be underestimated in sport, but also in life.


The opportunity to win brings with it in equal measures; the risk of defeat. It is these early experiences of competition in KS1 which will provide our children with some of their first opportunities to understand that life will undoubtedly provide them with setbacks and challenges, and can help them understand how they can overcome this: ‘You learn more from losing than from winning. You learn how to keep going.’ Morgan Wootten.


Competitive sport, both and inter and intra level, provides our children with the opportunity to understand how to win modestly and lose gracefully. Not every child will be a world champion, but every child should have the opportunity to take part, compete and learn from the experiences of winning and losing. Furthermore, we follow the National Curriculum Purpose of Study aim to ‘…provide high quality physical education to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physical demanding activities.’ 

Click below for our  PE Policy

Click below on the images to read our Key Documents

In addition to the above highlighted opportunities for children within school, we also provide further ample opportunity for children to partake in Physical Activity as well exposure to the continuous promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle. At Holland House we provide:

  • A breakfast club that includes healthy breakfasts as well as a range of physical activities to help start the day well. This club have been named the ‘Change4Life Club’, and partake in a range of experiments and discussions around the topic of an individual’s health e., ‘The Sugar Experiment’ and ‘Fruit Smoothie Mornings’, where they are able to participate, experiment, evaluate and express their own informed conclusions.
  • Carefully planned sporting and challenge opportunities during break time and lunchtimes that children can choose to get involved with – led by a trained PE mentor.
  • After school clubs that focus on a range of sport provision, all of which are voted for by the children at our school.
  • A physical start to the day with our planned wake-up-shake-up routines which are varied each morning and include the participation of all school children.
  • A sports and well-being crew which meet once a week with the PE co-ordinator to discuss any concerns they may have, as well as discussing and voting for their own sporting competitions that they run (with minimal supervision) each week on a Thursday and Friday Lunchtime. This gives them an opportunity to encourage their peers to take part and compete, as well as promoting peer praise and feedback. The sports and wellbeing crew have also chosen a range of new equipment that they felt children in both EYFS and KS1 would enjoy. They are responsible for checking this equipment is used safely (with supervision) and is put away carefully.

Click below if you missed our healthy lifestyles workshop

Take a look at our active play zones

Our Objectives in the Teaching of PE are:

  • to promote a positive attitude towards physical activity through allowing each child to experience success in and enjoyment of a range of physical activities.
  • to enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and coordination;
  • to encourage children to learn with others in a range of group situations;
  • to show children how to improve the quality and control of their performance;
  • to teach children the importance of exercise and how it effects our body;
  • to develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination;
  • to develop children's understanding of how to succeed in a range of physical activities, and how to evaluate their own success;
  • to teach safety awareness and for all staff to take responsibility for safety whilst teaching P.E.
  • to develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship using the 6 ‘Values of the Games’.
  • providing specialist support where individual children have gifts or talents or special or additional needs.
  • to ensure children lead healthy & active lives.
  • to ensure children are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • to ensure children engage in competitive sports and activities.