Holland Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RE

0121 464 3654


Holland House Infant School And Nursery

Happy and Hard Working


Click here for PTA Events

 Welcome to Holland House and Town Junior PTA page!

When your child joins the school you automatically become members of the PTA – so hello and welcome!

Here are our events for this academic year:

 What is the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)?

This not an exclusive club - in fact we would really like you to help make our events a success.  PTA is made up of parents, carers and staff who volunteer to organise and run activities to raise funds for both school and create socialising opportunities for our families.  Holland House and Town Junior have a joint PTA.


Who is in the PTA Committee?

 The PTA have committee  members – each year the members elect trustees who are legally responsible for ensuring the PTA is run correctly and the funds are spent appropriately. The trustees are part of the committee and include the Chair and Treasurer. 


We are busy parents just like you and although our committee members have our formal titles we are really just a bunch of friendly mums and dads and carers that give up some spare time to organise fun events! We meet regularly to plan our fundraising events for our schools.

How you can help?

We love to get the parents and carers joining in and volunteer - no job is too big or too small! The PTA is always looking for helpers, class reps and committee members. There are lots of things you can do to help from folding raffle tickets, handing out flyers, running a stall, coming to meetings or taking on a more official role. 

We need people of all abilities, of all drives and from all backgrounds. If you cannot afford the time to help organising, then come and support our events instead! 

What sort of things does the PTA do?

 We help to support the school and raise funds in many ways including:

* Organising a Summer Fayre 

* Children’s school discos

* Running social activities for parents i.e. curry and quiz nights

How else does the PTA raise money?

Easyfundraising.co.uk — an easy and free way to raise money through www.easyfundraising.org.uk, Visit the website and follow the prompts.

We are always looking for new ideas, here are some ideas you feedback to us

How to find out more about the PTA

Holland House and Town Junior PTA


If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, feedback, offers of help, interested in joining the Committee, or anything else you'd like to pass on to the PTA committee either catch us at the school gates, leave a message in either school office or email us via Hollandhouseandtownjuniorpta@gmail.com